In 2014 I hosted a group of artists in Richmond, Virginia who were all working on the first level of the metal clay Master's Registry. I began a blog in hopes others around the world might want to be 'flies on the wall' of our monthly meetings, and might join in our conversation by brainstorming, asking questions, and just generally feeling like a part of or journey. The group was not as active as I hoped, either in real life or in cyber land, and I lost heart and abandoned this platform.
Because I see so many similar questions on my FaceBook Master's Registry Prep Group and the official Metal Clay Masters Registry Support Group, I'm reactivating this blog as an edited version with pages on specific topics to archive answers to the most common queries. To the best of my knowledge, the official FB group is open only to those who have registered and paid the first installment of the Registry fee. The Prep group is open to all who are in the planning stages, or are actually working on projects. These two groups are very helpful, with lots of interactive conversation and advice. This blog will also be an archive of my personal journey with photos of both submitted and accepted projects. As of August 2015, I'm working on my first level - and I plan on completing all 5 levels including the 51st Master Work.
Julia Rai, who is working towards her 5th level, has written a very comprehensive series of articles about her own journey which can be found here. For more information on the Master's Registry visit the website or contact Abby Johnston.